The Project
I received copies of the contracts today and the Artist's Brief. I am a little concerned as to the area I am dealing with; whether it is just Northlands Park or the whole neighbourhood. I will await clarification before signing. Yesterday I found a delightful publication in Oxfam called the East Anglian Magazine dated October 1955. I also want to get Betjeman's writings on England and W.G.Sebald's 'Rings of Saturn' to use as source material for the Basildon publication. I got very excited yesterday by the idea of installing a container onto Northlands Park to be my site office and a place where residents could come in and see what was happening. Did I say this already yesterday? I imagined it getting graffittied. Or maybe it would maintain it's white gloss sheen and radiate an ethereal presence? It could also be where the Big Brother style Diary Room could be. But there are of course issues of electricity, toilets, security. This morning I got even more excited about the idea of creating an allotment patch, bang slap in the middle of the park. It would be an honesty allotment. Anyone could come and work on it and anyone could pick the fruit and veg. of course in reality it would most likely end up either neglected or trashed. But wouldn't it be worth trying it to see, Maybe it wouldn't. Maybe people would love it? Of course you might then end up with the problem of some people getting very involved and working a lot on it and being resentful if people turn up very occassionally but share the produce? Still no photos as my man wasn't able to come over today after all. Maybe Thursday. Commissions east called. Everything is cool, so all stations go. Also, I ran the idea of the container by Joanna and she liked it and thought it could most certainly be possible. She also liked the idea of the allotment. Excellent. To buy a 10ft container costs £950, or they can be hired for £1.50 a day. I think I would buy it and then eitheroffer itto Northlands Park to keep; theycould use it for futre artist-in-residence posts, or I would sell it or have it craned onto my allotment in Norwich? Great. Felt very bupoyant after speaking to Joanna. I tink the container is a great idea as it will provide a public point of focus for the project. I could have a letter box and invite people to drop in drawings, photos, stories pictures which can A be put up inside and B be possible material for the publication. I could also create a link with a local school, to whom I could fax all the latest info that needs to be chalked up onto the blackboard which could be one whole wall of the container. And if I could harness some volunteers to be able to man it when I'm not there, so that it is open to the public at specific times. It would provide a meeting point for the outdoor events and a place to store the materials and the place from which to launch the publication. If residents are part of the ongoing process of the project as it develops I have a much better chance of them attending the workshops and events and of creating material for the publication. And it would personalise the project; I wouldn't be some fleeting external presence but would have a base, even if I can't be in it that much.
Hi blog. I had a good meeting on Friday evening with a local collective called Arcadia. They are very culturally active/proactive and count amongst their skills drawing/illustration/graphic design/record label/guerilla gigs/being very thoughtful/wearing good stuff/djing and trying to educate residents of King Street, where inciden'tally we all live, by putting books into a little window; the display changes regularly. I have noticed Kerouac's 'On The Road and George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' - or am I making that up? My memory is certainly not as good as it used to be. Anyway, I hoped to commission them in capacity of graphic technicians re the publication and all campaign fodder and also to do illustrations and painting workshops and maybe some gigs? They were very into the project and have offered to come with me for a proper weekend recce of the area in which we hope to sample all that is good or all that is bad about Northlands Park Estate. I have been considering the fact that all the outdoor events that I am planning will take place in january. Last night I was googling Container Storage. This morning it strikes me as a genius plan, that we could have some containers craned in for some of the out door events. I would like some sort of Talkaoke. Interestingly all three memebers of Arcadia have personl experience of New Towns. marie-Claire grew up in one, Thetford; Darren's family moved down from London to Billericay; Chris's link I can't remeber. Talkaoke. A round table, a compere holding the mike and tabling questions/issues; the mike is then passsed around to whoever wishes to speak. I am fascinated by the whole New Town thing and would like to spark off some debate about it with current residents, planners, original New Town residents etc. Containers. Talkaoke. Also the speed buddy event could take place in a container. I wonder if I coul dset up a container to be permanently on site throughout the project to act as my office/planning room/ a drop in spot/ a blog spot and the place where the Big Brother Diary Room ccould be? This is I feel a very good idea as it will create a focus for the whole project for the residents.
Usual struggle getting up, feeding kids, no-one's teeth got cleaned, just about got to school on time, with Son 2 dragging on my arm all the way. It's quite hard to keep things moving forward both physicallly and mentally when you have a little person literally pulling you backwards all the way. Hmm. 7 emails in my in box when I got home. All the artists and writers I have been contacting to get involved with the project all say YES. Hurray. This is very good news. I have many ideas, and they are constantly evolving. I hope to do a mass street corner poetry slam. I can't decide whether we should stick to one street corner, the one Doreen showed me with the steps up to it that need to be removed, or go for as many street corners as possible? I hope to involve as many street-corner hanger-outers as possible. The plan is to host a day of poetry workshops - don't know where yet, maybe in the Adult Education College - then have the live performances that night and hope that some of the locals feel brave enough, with their newly learned skills, to take part. Practical logistics - weather/cold - it will be winter. Lighting? Refreshments? Unfortunately this is a project to regenerate open spaces taking place through the depths of winter. Also, would have to hope that residents near the street corner will view the activity positively and come and get involved too. I also have an idea of re-mapping the Northlands Park: re-naming key spots to create a virtual map, and adding in a level of fantasy. I'm not yet sure how this will work. It's a big park. I also would very much like artist Fiona Banner to do a live landscape portrait in words which could then become a Pull Out section of the publication? I want to do a Speaker's Corner event on the spot just to the left of the road that has a Teenage Village in place. I don't yet know all the names of the places. This will be an opportunity for local fanatacists (fanatical about anything: dogs, lentils...?) to have their shout. There will be surreptitious art drops, gueriila gigs, maybe a mass frisbee event. It's amazing once you start looking who is out there and what they are doing. There are lots of people doing this stuff. I look forward to tapping into them all.
I'm very new to this blog thing. I had saved the posted Basildon Blog on my bookmarks bar, but then, when I opened it up this morning I couldn't work out how to add a new post. What I needed to do was bookmark the blogger site, then sign in each time. OK. Got it now, I think. Went to Borders yesterday to get a stash of literary magazines as research for the Basildon Blag (working title). I had spotted a couple the day before. When I went back to buy them, having been told that I had got the Art U Need commission, I saw loads more and ended up buying seven, plus a Clarice Bean book! 'Emblem: Issue 2'; 'The illustrated Ape': Issue 11; 'The Believer: Issue 36; 'Meat Magazine': Issue 5; 'Bad Idea: Modern Storytelling': Issue 1; 'Dot,Dot, Dot': Issue 12; 'Dreams That Money Can Buy': Vol 3. Volume? Issue? I always get a bit confused by this categoriastion. How many issues = a volume? Did DTMCB not even bother then with issues? straight into volumes? In the end I felt a little dispirited/overwhelmed because there was so much out there. Whta can I add to this? Hmm. Anyway, the Basildon Blag will be a little different, and my real purpose in buying these magazines is to look at size, format, style, type of paper, typography, imagery, etc. lots of them make good use of illustration which I very much like and hope to make use of: illustrations, paintings and pictures by residents. An illustration is much more personal than a photograph. i will however start adding in photographs to this blog once I have worked out how. My next task is to try and get quotes from printers for all these different publications to get an idea of what the blag really could be. I am meeting Chris and Darren later today from artits's collective Arcadia. I would like them to work on the magazine with me. Apparently darren is a graphic design whizz.
After a sleepless night fretting about all the what ifs - how much does it cost to hire a marquee? (For the Basildon Buddy event). Plus, I'm going to need to hire everything! Chairs, tables, helpers etc etc. It's all very well having these big ideas, practical reality is another consideration. And, horror of horrors, what if no-one turns up? - we were twenty minutes late to school. Son 2 was very reluctant to go, and insisted I sit in class with him and read him some stories. On my way home I stopped off at Borders to look at the literary magazine section. There are two new ones: Bad Idea and Ape Illustrated. One of them used stonespublishers. I will contact them as my first port of call for a quote for a publication. Although I will need to have some idea of the population of Northlands Park. Should it be a free copy for every household? I was thinking a good title for it might be Basildon Blag: (Your Annual Rag) The Art U Need Guide to Northlands Park. I hope it's acceptable to use Basildon in there, as with this blog, it's just that it rolls off the tongue a bit better than Northlands Park Estate. More issues that will need to be clarified. The idea for the publication is that it be part traveller/tourist guide - fulfilling the brief of the Northlands Park Partnership Management pathfinder year 4 Delivery Plan to make Northlands Park a "Thriving Neighbourhood...a safe, clean, where people want to stay and move to...", part index of local shops, services, amenities - this could even be a pull out section, and part creative forum with as much input from residents as possible. But I am working in a vacuum here and have to start from ground up. I need to find a publisher, an art director, typesetter, illustrators, photographers, and I also have to reach you, the residents, for your input. I think a notice board in the GP/neighbourhood office, can't remember what it's called just now, wouldbe a goodidea. I need to arrange a meeting with all the local groups, schools etc and a plan of action re leafletting etc. I'm going to call the publishers now for an idea of costs and timescales. It is most likely that I would need to have all material to them by January for the publication to be a reality in March. I have to admit I'm a bag of nerves.