The Basildon Blog

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mis-Guided Walk + Mapping Workshop Sat 27 Jan

Again my expectations were exceeded in terms of numbers. Hurray. Wrighhts + Sites had managed to navigate their way to Nowhere + had even made a flag which we duly + ceremoniously planted in the centre of the Felmores Shops area. Cathy, Phil, Steve + Simon each had a flag for North , South, East + West. Initially there were only six of us and North + East had already left teh car park when a van with seven more people arrived. So South + West were more people heavy.Pepe + I joined the South seeking expedition. Cathy had alos brought along a map of the Antartic with names of teh weather + satellite stations on it...mostly people's names. As we walked around we stopped whenever we found anythinig particularly interesting + decdided on a name for the spot. We wrote the name on pieces of board + held up the Adopted Name for a photo. We came across a Polar Bear lair, a Club Tropicana, Tyre Tree, Siuperstition COrner pr Mag's Pie Woods + Dead Man's Run. Also, a cat's leg torn offi ts body by..what? A fox? Who knows. The compass bearing was duly shared by all members of the expedition and we finally found our South Pole and planted the SOuth flag. Back at the cafe Steve was already busy inputting photos on his laptop. It was some time later when the third party turned up. And it was well after four andgetting fdark when I decided to send out a search party for Phil + Paula. Justat that moment they were spotted on the far horizon.
During the Mapping Workshop I finally had to fess up to Paula + Nathan thatteh Nevendon Tales were entirely make-believe! They have now enetred the stuff of local legend,which is perfect.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ghost Walk 1

The Ghost Walk was agreat success. Chris was a fabulous + very convincing tour guide. He led us through the woods pointing out the sppots where a Hirsute family were found slaying deer, the site of shallow graves, the site of a duel + of a tomb containing a dead menagerie. I was trying to film it + trying to take pics for the blog + MySpace. My wires got a bit crossed. If the footage is OK I will be making a podcast of the Walk. I have yet to learn exactly what a podcast is! Chris + I fitted in the obligatory visit to the cafe, wolfing down our dinner in ten minutes before coming to meet people for the walk at 2pm. I was delighted to find people waiting for us. We had nine people, + one lady who happened upon us half way round and stayed to listen for a while.

BBC Online

BBc Essex + Kent have asked me to make a Video Diary for theirt new Thames Gateway project which they are lkaunching online roughly 19 Feb. Catherine met me in the Neighbourhood last Fri to do the handover of equipment.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I recently discovered that if you type in an area into the My Space search bar you get local members. Hurrah! I've been working thriough the Pitsea list - around 167 people - one by one clicking add to friends and messaging the ones who are in bands to seeif they will play the Guerilla Gig. One way of getting to people? Interestingly Northlands Park Neighbourhood doesn'thave a single member - except Art U Need Needs U!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Poster Number 4

Arcadia has arrived

The Arcadians have got themselves a fab new office on the street - three doors up from me. I go in there for a blast of warmth + colour before settling myself in my bunker!!

Drawing Workshop Jan 20

Sarah from the cafe kept us all fed + watered whilst we pulled out the twigs + bark + bits of mould that we brought back from the woods. Dee put up posters + helped out with books to identify the things we drew. All the kids produced amazing drawings which we stuck up as the session went on. Jamie, on the chair, is standing beneath her woodland collage at teh top of teh wall. Little Craig drew us a fab monster + spaceship + his mum Wendy experimented with ink to do leaf prints. I will be producing a Wildlife Wall Chart from the drawings for the Souvenir Goody Bags. Thanks for coming everyone. Blog not letting me post pictures now!! I'll add them in later...