The Basildon Blog

Monday, January 08, 2007

Walking Circle

We began with about eight people and had swelled ranks to aboutten by the tim ewe finished! Town Crier Jim Shrubb set us off then continued to toll the bell as we walked around the neighbourhood. We picked up a lady with a puppy called Bruce. She told me he has a twin. I pounced immediately inviting her to compete in the Dog-Off! suggesting we might even create a separate Pimp My Twin Pups category.
It was a grey day but we narrowly avoided the rain and retired happily enoughto the Watermill Hotel for a drink and thereafter me, Romance, Romance (Jonny WInter + Simon Davenport) and my youngest son sought sustenance before the trip home.


Blogger Lisa said...

Well this was a 'here we are and we are different!' sort of event with the Town Crier announcing who we were all the way around the circuit of the walk. Mind you i liked it as I have a mad sort of sense of humour.
It was a good dog meeting event too as Tango made a friend. They have got a lovely park, infact I'm quite envious of their beautiful park with the two ponds, the skate park, basket ball play area and cafe! Its more than the Wick Estate has, and they have got a very good pub too. Lucky them

6:25 AM  

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