The Basildon Blog

Thursday, January 04, 2007


I was hoping to meet both headmistresses of the two primary schools in the neighbourhood as well as Sarah who runs the Northland Park Cafe tomorrow (Fri 5 Jan). Having booked my train it turns out that even in order to be home to pick up my kids by 6pm, which is the latest possible option I can only fit in two meetings, so I will see Sarah at the cafe as soon as possible after noon, then Diane Pilgrim at 1pm. I will have to leave NPN by 1.30pm at the latest in order to get the 1.47pm from Basidlon to Fenchurch Street in order to get the 3pm train from Liverpool Street to Norwich in order to be able to get to school by 6pm, trusting there are no delays. This will also have required me to have my children taken to school by a neighbour - I still need to organise this, and it may not go down well with my youngest - in order to be on the 9am train out of Norwich. The perils of single parenthood!


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