The Basildon Blog

Monday, February 12, 2007

He's a Winner!

That Bully
I love weekends they're really cool.
It means that there is not any school.
Everyone wearing the same trousers and shirts,
but playtime always seems to hurt.
That bully he always is around,
that bully he pushes me to the ground.
That bully
That bully
His eyes follow me wherever I am,
he pins me to a wall an hits me wham!
He follows me home and thinks it's funny,
then takes my coat and takes my money.
That bully he always is around,
that bully he pushes me to the ground.
That bully
That bully

Greg Horner, 12


Blogger Lisa said...

Greg was very pleased to win this event - and became suddenly very rich. Always knew he had a poetic heart. Thanks to NEE-HI + TRUSAY for leading this event - and the MC was fun too.

5:58 AM  

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