The Basildon Blog

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Guerilla Gigs

We had a riot. The band, local band Deferred Success, led us a merry dance fromm Northlands PArk, to Felmore Shops + back to the Mediterranean Garden in the park. And the local press finally turned up. We finished off in the Northlands Cafe. The band played a further impromptu set seated at the cafe table...It was fun.


Blogger Doozer said...

We had an ace time
Check out

Done a blog our self

Cheers for the day most fun, have to do it again


4:11 AM  
Blogger CambridgeDietGuy said...

It was awesome, wandering around freaking out the locals with mutant-folk music...

We had an excellent time, thanks for having us!

(Deferred Sucess)

7:13 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

Loved their folk music and loved seeing peoples reactions at the Felmores Shops - well done guys!

5:55 AM  

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