The Basildon Blog

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Venue 1 Northlands Park = Surreptitious Mass Happenings

Surreptitious Happenings
As this park is so large I think it makes the ideal space for lots of en mass events -
a mass frisbee event
a mass tree climbing event
a mass tree hugging event

I would also like people to start thinking about what they might like to have in certain areas of the park, and or what they do or might like to renmame areas of the park. For instance, are there any angling stories? Did someone catch an enormous carp or perch or anything else in the lake? Could we rename th elake after that pewrson eg McElligot's pool. A sort of cretaing of legends or local icons? In order to get people thinking along these lines I would encourage peopel to come to the conbtainer and tell me or type up their stories. Also led walks by artist and rangers could encourage peopel to see the site in new ways?? I need to think more about this one.

I would like to commission artist Fiona Banner to produce a word landscape painting. The live painting would itself be an event. If Fiona were not able to do this perhaps instead we could have residents do their own versions and one could be chosen to go into the publication?


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